Privacy Policy

LilDrills is a mobile application (the “App”) designed to help parents instill lifelong habits in their children, who also get rewarded for completing tasks.  LilDrills is a product owned and developed by Kidberry Inc. (“Company”).

This privacy policy (the “Policy”) applies to Company’s website  (the “Website”), the App, and the collective interactions contained thereon.  The Policy also applies to any services provided by Company relating to the Website and the App (collectively the “Services”).  This Policy does not apply to third-party companies or to sites which may link, or redirect, to or from the Websites.

This Policy may change from time to time.  If Company makes any major changes to our Policy, we will post a notice on the Website and the App. If the change significantly affects registered users, we will send a notice to you by email. If we make any substantial changes in the way we handle children’s personal information, we will first notify and obtain the prior consent of a parent or legal guardian.

Company is compliant with the United States Federal Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA).

1. Our Privacy Policy

Your personal data is valuable, and Company appreciates your trust that Company will keep it safe. Company constantly strives to earn the trust of the families who use our Services.  Company strives to communicate simply, clearly, and transparently.  This Policy complies with the GDPR since all users of the Services enjoy the following rights: (i) to be informed of what data is processed, and why; (ii) to have access to their data; (iii) to rectify inaccurate or outdated data; (iv) to delete or erase their data; (v) to restrict data processing in certain circumstances; (vi) to data portability; (vii) to object to further processing of data which is inconsistent with the primary purpose for which such data was collected; and (viii) to not be subject to a decision solely based on automated processing.

2. The data we collect

We require adult users to register an account before using the Services. Company will not collect any more personal data from a child than is reasonably required to provide a technically stable and safe experience.  

Before using the App, users will need to create an account, with profiles for at least one parent or legal guardian (each, a “Parent”) and at least one child. A Parent must approve both our Terms of Use and this Policy before an account can be successfully created. Company will not collect any personally identifiable data about a user until they hit the “sign up” button. Company may collect the following data when creating an account:

  • Email addresses and passwords for at least one Parent and one child
  • Usernames for at least one Parent and one child
  • Birthday for at least one Parent and one child
  • IP addresses for at least one Parent and  one child

3. What do we use the data for?

The reason Company stores such personal data is:

  • So that we can create unique account profiles.
  • To identify the area in which you live, so that we can better understand which laws and regulations apply to you.
  • To identify the applicable consent age in your location, so that we can help you to get parental/ legal guardian approval as needed.
  • To make sure that you get the right version of the Services for your country.
  • So that you can get access to and to track progress when using the App.
  • So that we can communicate with you about your account.
  • So that we can send you news, if you opt to receive it.
  • For us to reach you regarding market offers, if you opted for it.
  • For password maintenance.

We store personal data from the Parent in order to:

  • Set up a payment method when upgrading to a premium account.
  • To allow future payments processes for premium accounts.
  • To maintain consent history for Policy transparency, and guidelines on how Company is allowed to use account data.
  • To store your email address.
  • Actual credit card or payment data is stored by our third-party payment providers, not by the Company. To be able to store information of this nature, we only use regulated providers who conform to the highest level of security.

4. How does Company handle your data rights?

In order to comply with applicable European Union legislation as well as an increasing global demand for enhanced data privacy Company clearly outlines its data processing procedures by answering the following common questions:

4.1 Can I correct the information that Company has about me?

  • If you notice that account information is outdated or inaccurate, you can update and correct some information under “My Profile,” or by contacting our Customer Support Team at or by using our web-form.
  1. Can I withdraw my consent and restrict data processing of my personal data?
  • If you decide that you no longer want to have an account with us you can uninstall the App from the Google Play or Apple Store or send a request to our Customer Support Team at or by using our web-form.
  • Any Parent can update their consent to receive Company news and promotions using the “Settings” page.
  • Company will process most requests for consent withdrawal, data corrections or removals, or request for information within thirty (30) days. If Company should need to verify any Parent identification to ensure data integrity and that Company is properly handling affected account data, such requests may take up to sixty (60) days. Company will notify the Parent if the process is expected to take longer than thirty (30) days.

4.3 Can I request copies of my information or ask for my personal data to be removed?

  • A Parent can request Account data, including email address and payment details, to be removed.
  • For safety purposes Company routinely securely stores and archive old data. This is done so that the archived data can be used to investigate any complaints or violations of our Terms of Use, or on the off-chance that such archival data is requested by law enforcement agencies or data protection authorities.
  • Most of the data is fully available for review by a Parent under “My Profile” page. Please contact if you have any additional questions about your persona data.

4.4 Can I move my data from Company servers?

  • According to the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) Company is classified as a ‘Data Controller.’  Under the GDPR data subjects are allowed to move or port out their data to another Data Controller. Company will comply with such valid requests to the extent possible and applicable.

5. Cookies and web technology

Company uses small files called ‘cookies’ on the Website in order to more easily recognize account owners and provide access to certain functions and to obtain information regarding visitor to the Website.

What are cookies? A cookie is a small text file that is stored on a user’s computer and which contains information. There are two types of cookies. One type of cookie is a ’permanent’ cookie which saves a file permanently on the user’s computer until the file is removed. The other type of cookie is called a ‘session’ cookie which disappears when the user closes their web browser.

Session cookies are sent between the user’s computer and Company’s servers in order to keep track of information regarding the user.

To make it easier for our users, Company uses permanent cookies, which can provide the user with access to stored information, such as how to use the Services.

The information collected via cookies may be linked to personal information we’ve collected about you.

Company may also use data anonymization from permanent cookies for maintaining statistics, regarding the use of the Website, to conduct surveys in order to improve the Service, or to determine which parts of our Services are most popular, and to improve the Services.

Company also uses the following third-party cookies: Google Analytics – cookies are used to collect information regarding the way users interact with the Website, e.g. which parts are visited most frequently. This is so that Company can analyze how the Website is used and to improve the Services. More information is available at:

Company may allow third-parties, including Facebook, to place and read their own cookies, web beacons, and similar technologies to collect information through the Website. The reasons are to allow Company’s third-party service providers to collect information that helps us with traffic measurement, research, and analytics.

How can cookies be removed? Cookies may be accepted or rejected by adjusting the settings in the applicable web browser, but rejecting cookies may disable the Services. Consult your web browser settings for instructions. 

7. Does Company use e-commerce or advertisements on our site?

Company does not advertise any third-party products or services on the Services. Company generates its funds from the sale of premium accounts.

8. With whom do we share your information?

Personal information is not shared with or sold to any independent third-parties for their own marketing purposes. To operate the Service, Company may make personal and/or anonymized  information available to third-parties in the following limited circumstances: (1) where vendors help Company operate the Service, such as payment processors, (2) where a Parent has expressly granted consent, (3) if Company reasonably believes that disclosure is required by applicable law, (4) if Company believes that disclosure is necessary to protect Company’s rights or property, or (5) to any successor or purchaser in a merger, acquisition, liquidation, dissolution or sale of assets, provided they have a privacy policy that offers no less protection to data subjects than this Policy.

9. How do we keep your information secure?

Company respects the information you entrust to Company and it takes pride in safeguarding such information from unauthorized access or disclosure. Company regularly trains its staff in data privacy protection practices, and it continually updates and improves its electronic solutions to keep personal data safe. These safeguards include utilizing Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) software, which encrypts all the personal information you give us, and storing personal information behind a firewall designed to block access from outside Company’s network. Although Company uses its reasonable best efforts to protect personal data, no methods can guarantee complete protection from hackers or inadvertent disclosure.

Information we collect may be stored or processed on computers located in any country where we do business.

10. How does Company comply with privacy regulations for children 12 and under in the United States of America?

Children and Parents in the US have the same rights as users in the EU, which rights are outlined in this Policy.

A Parent must provide consent for their child to use the Services. Please refer to Sections 2 and 3 above to find out what personal information we collect and how we use it. If you have questions or concerns about our privacy practices, please contact us using the category Privacy on our online form or by emailing us to

10.1 Third party service providers

  • We use the following third-party service providers in relation to users ages 12 and under in the U.S. These third-party services do not share your information with any other third parties. Please contact Company using for more information on their collection and use practices.
  • Google Analytics 
  • Facebook 
  • Apple Store

11. How to send Privacy Questions or Concerns to Company?

Company will happily answer any questions concerning your personal data, third-party processors or other privacy matters. For general questions, please contact our Customer Support Team using our online form or by emailing

Should you have specific Data Privacy and Internet Safety questions and/or concerns or want to have information about your private data or reach the Company’s Data Protection Officer (DPO), please use the ‘Privacy’ category on our online form. If your question is not contemplated by the online form, please  contact Company at

If you have further compliance questions regarding EU law and GDPR please use this link to find the relevant contact details for the Data Protection Authority in your country:

Or write to Company’s headquarters at:

Kidberry, Inc.
Att: Privacy Request / Customer Care
3rd floor, 1007 Chestnut Street
Newton, MA 02464


Privacy Policy Version 1.1
